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Growing Pains in children and kidsafe oil for relieving growing pains in kids - omumsie

Growing Pains in children and kidsafe oil for relieving growing pains in kids

Growing Pains in children and kidsafe oil for relieving growing pains in kids

Growing Pains in children and kidsafe oil for relieving growing pains in kids 

What are growing pains in kids?
Growing pains are a common occurrence in children, pain typically occurrs in the legs, in front of the thighs, behind the knees and the calves. They are temporary, intermittent pains that occur in the muscles or joints and are often associated with periods of growth. Growing pains are most common in children between the ages of 3 and 12. Growing pains typically occur at night and may wake the child from sleep.
What are the symptoms of growing pains in kids?
 The main symptom of growing pains is pain in the muscles or joints, usually in the legs. The pain may be a dull ache or a sharp, shooting pain and may be severe enough to wake the child from sleep. The pain is typically worse at night. In addition to muscle or joint pain, children with growing pains may also experience:
* Difficulty sleeping at night due to immense pain
* Pain in legs; mainly in the thighs, calves and back of the knees
* Pain in arms
* Infrequent headaches 
* abdominal pain 
* Back pain 
* Irritability or grumpiness
What causes growing pains?
The exact cause of growing pains is not fully understood, but they are thought to be related to the rapid growth and development that occurs during childhood. Growing pains are not caused by a specific injury or overuse of the muscles, and they are not a sign of any underlying medical condition. Some experts believe that growing pains may be related to changes in the levels of certain substances in the body that occur during periods of growth, such as hormones or chemicals that help to regulate muscle and joint function. Other theories suggest that growing pains may be caused by factors such as poor posture or strain on the muscles and joints due to extra physical activities. Despite ongoing research, the exact cause of growing pains remains unknown.
What is the treatment of growing pains in kids?
Treatment for growing pains in children typically involves measures to alleviate the pain and discomfort, such as:
* Massaging the affected area: Omumsie growing kids pain relief massage oil is a perfect topical solution for reducing these pains, cramps, and sore muscles associated with growing toddlers. Meaningfully enriched with Mint Crystals, Turmeric Root extract, and Black Pepper, this cold pressed oil blend reduces cramps, numbs the pain, and relaxes your child. Gently massage this oil on the ailing areas to reduce the pain and watch them smiling and relaxed while growing and playing.
* Applying heat or ice: If pain is more, you may also apply heat to the affected area, after applying no tension Growing Kids Pain relief Oil. This will help to reduce swelling and discomfort. Heat can be applied using a heating pad, warm water bottle, or warm washcloth. 
* Encouraging the child to stretch: Stretching the affected muscles may help to alleviate discomfort and improve flexibility.
* Making sure the child gets enough rest: Ensuring that the child gets enough rest and sleeps well also help to alleviate growing pains and promote overall health and well-being. Use Omumsie sweet dreams sleepy balm that helps your child fall asleep. Directly massage the balm onto the pulse points at night time. Lavender, Chamomile, and spearmint oil will relax the body and create a soothing aura. This balm is organic, natural, and safe. Babies that don’t sleep at night tend to be fussy but with omumsie sweet dreams sleepy balm, they can fall into a deep slumber. They will be ready to play, grow and learn the next day!
* If the child's growing pains are severe or persistent, or if you are concerned about the child's health, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional.
It is important to note that growing pains are not a sign of any underlying medical condition and usually resolve over time with these changes. 
*We can't stop them from growing, but we can help with the aches and cramps that come with it with using 
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