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Baby Growth and Activity Calendar

Baby Growth and Activity Calendar

Baby Growth and Activity Calendar

Baby Growth and Activity Calendar: Week-by-Week Guide for Your Baby's First Year

Welcoming a new baby is a magical journey filled with wonder and milestones. From their first smile to their first steps, every moment is precious. To help you navigate your baby's first year, we’ve created a comprehensive weekly growth and activity calendar. This guide provides insights into your baby’s developmental stages, activities to nurture their growth, and tips for choosing the best products for their delicate needs.

Weeks 1-4: The Newborn Phase

  • Growth: Your baby will spend most of their time sleeping and feeding. Weight gain is steady, and they’ll begin to recognize your voice and scent.

  • Activities: Skin-to-skin contact, gentle tummy time for a few seconds, and lots of cuddles.

  • Tips: Newborns have sensitive skin. Use gentle cleansers like omumsie  Baby Shampoo And Body Wash to keep their skin soft and nourished.

Weeks 5-8: Building Awareness

  • Growth: Babies begin to stay awake longer, focusing on faces and bright objects. They’ll also start cooing and responding to sounds.

  • Activities: Talk to your baby often, use high-contrast toys, and introduce simple rattles.

  • Tips: To protect and hydrate their delicate skin, massage with omumsie’s BABY MASSAGE OIL GEL to strengthen their muscles and bond with them.

Weeks 9-12: Discovering Hands and Feet

  • Growth: Babies start noticing their hands and feet. They’ll also attempt to lift their heads during tummy time.

  • Activities: Encourage tummy time with soft mats and let them grasp toys.

  • Tips: Use omumsie’s Pure Bliss Baby Body Lotion

    to keep their skin supple after bath time.

Months 3-4: Smiles and Giggles

  • Growth: Your baby will smile socially, track moving objects, and show more control over their head movements.

  • Activities: Play peek-a-boo, sing nursery rhymes, and give them textured toys.

  • Tips: Keep their skin glowing naturally with omumsie’s Foaming Baby Face Wash during bath time.

Months 5-6: Rolling Over and Grasping

  • Growth: Rolling over becomes a new favorite activity. Babies will also start grasping objects and bringing them to their mouths.

  • Activities: Provide safe teething toys and supervised floor play.

  • Tips: Protect their lips from dryness with omumsie’s Unicorn Lip Balm, especially during colder months.

Months 7-8: Sitting Up and Babbling

  • Growth: Your baby will likely sit unsupported and babble with consonant sounds like "ba" and "da."

  • Activities: Stack blocks, play with musical toys, and introduce finger foods (if advised by your pediatrician).

  • Tips: Use omumsie’s 99% Water Thickest Baby Wipes to clean up messes during play and feeding.

Months 9-10: Crawling and Exploring

  • Growth: Most babies start crawling, pulling themselves up, and exploring their surroundings.

  • Activities: Create a baby-proofed play area with soft toys and plenty of space.

  • Tips:  omumsie’s Baby Sleepy Balm. Its soothing formula 

    to Promotes Sleep Routine

Months 11-12: First Steps and First Words

  • Growth: Babies may take their first steps and say their first recognizable words. They’ll also become more independent in play.

  • Activities: Encourage walking with push toys, read interactive books, and play "hide and seek."

  • Tips: Celebrate their milestones with extra care by using omumsie’s Baby Hair Growth & Scalp Care Oil to nurture their hair.

Why Choose omumsie?

At omumsie, we understand the delicate needs of your baby’s skin and body. Our products are made with natural, gentle ingredients designed to nurture and protect. From skincare to hair care, each product is thoughtfully crafted to support your baby’s growth and your parenting journey.

Explore our full range of baby care essentials to make every moment with your little one special and stress-free. Visit to learn more and shop now.

Your baby’s first year is an adventure. Cherish each week, celebrate every milestone, and know that omumsie is here to support you every step of the way.

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